Friday, June 20, 2008

ESRB updates game data submission policy for publishers

ESRB updates game data submission policy for publishers - Image 1 

The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) has recently updated its online submission forms for games, in light of publisher concerns regarding early reveals of a title's release date. The new policy will basically allow the game publishers to  choose a specific date when their game's details will be disclosed by the ESRB.

As a precaution, the group also stated that unless the publishers had any specific concerns regarding disclosing details on the game, they were expected to leave that section of the submission form blank. The ESRB further added this note in their official memo (via Next Generation):

While we recognize some publishers have concerns regarding earlier-than-desired 'announcements' of product on our website, the ESRB system will not work for consumers if publishers arbitrarily select dates bearing no reasonable relationship to consumer interest in the product.

The ESRB further added some specific guidelines for the publishers to follow should they choose to have their game's information embargoed:

Publishers who have a legitimate basis for utilizing this field should select a date that coincides with the earliest of the following:

  •     Product Marketing/Announcements, if any
  •     Ship Date, for physical product
  •     Product Availability, for downloadable content without any prior announcement

Should the publisher opt not to have their game's information blocked, it will appear on the ESRB's site 30 days after it has been rated.