Wednesday, June 25, 2008

PSP Mp3 ME Player - in DOS/ANSI backdrop

Sony PSP black - Image 1We know that there's already a bevy of homebrew MP3 players out there for the Sony PSP, but that's not stopping developer caliarbor from creating one of his own. Named Mp3 ME Player, this one comes in the basic DOS/ANSI format, but can play your music files as competently as most others out there.

The developer says this homebrew app is clocked at 80mhz, but can perhaps be set lower with some tinkering. The only file type it runs is MP3, so you can forget about other formats at least for now.

The controls for Mp3 ME Player are as follows:

  • Left/Right move up or down 5 places in listing
  • Up/Down move up or down 1 place in listing
  • Cross - play highlighted file
  • Square - Pause current mp3
  • Triangle - Rescan directory
  • Select - Toggle USB
There are other important notes in the readme included in the downloadable file from the link below. Please go through it to make sure that you've got installation straight among other things. Enjoy!

Download: Mp3 ME Player
Visit: QJ.NET's PSP Development Forums