Homebrew Developer charnold visited the QJ.NET Forums earlier to announce the release of version 1.0.4 of the PSP Dungeons Assault Run 3D Editor.
Aside from a new feature for the editor, the game itself now has a simple AI which should up the challenge in case you thought it was getting a little too easy. Here's a lowdown of the changes (quoting the readme):
- editor changes:
- game geometry view shows enemy's attack animation frame with the bullet's starting position
- game changes:
- simple enemy AI:
- enemies check, if they see the player and alarm other enemies
- enemies are alarmed when the player shoots
- global alarm stops when no enemy sees the player for some time
- enemies evade when the player aims at them
- enemies try to aim at the player, when they are in alarmed state
- enemies shoot at the player (visible bullets)
- collision detection bullets - player, player dies after some hits
Download: PSP Dungeon: Assault Run - 3D Editor version 1.0.4
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forum