Tuesday, June 24, 2008

fMSX v3.5.3

fMSX v3.5.3 - Image 1Having problems with the sound on your PSP's MSX emulator when you try to run some of its games? Developer uberjack's also picked up on this issue and has released version 3.5.3 of the fMSX app.

As the developer elaborates on this build's changes since the previous release (quoting the readme):

  • Games/applications that require MSX Audio/MSX Music will no longer crash the emulator if either is disabled in System settings - there will simply be no Y2413/YM8950 audio
  • ROM type settings are now saved between sessions - up to 500 different ROM s can be tracked by CRC32 value
Uberjack notes that the second feature, the 500-ROM tracker, is still experimental and that any feedback regarding any experienced issues is most welcome. Full details on fMSX's installation, controls, and functions are available in the file bundle's readme.

Be sure to download the bundle compatible with your PSP - there's one for firmware 1.50 and one for 1.00 and 2.00 . Further details on the PSP's fMSX port are available at uberjack's site, via the source link below.

Download: fMSX v3.5.3 (fw 1.50)
Download: fMSX v3.5.3 (fw 1.00 and 2.00 )