Over on the FuSa project website, there's a new update that should make PSP Slim users want to pick up a future version of FuSa for use with their handheld. It seems that the future version of FuSa will support PS1 (POPS) games.
Just as a recap, FuSa is a nifty bit of coding that allows PSP Slim owners to hook up their handhelds to any TV using any kind of video cable - be it composite, component, svideo, or d-terminal - and play their games in full screen mode.
Andy_maN, one of the project's devs, reports that even while his fellow coder OldPrisoneR is on vacation at the moment, he still spent some time working on FuSa. As it happens, OldPrisoneR sent a message to Andy_maN, saying that "He managed to add PS1 (POPS) games support for FuSa SD!"
If that's the case, we should expect a release soon, right? Not exactly. Andy_maN says there won't be any updates for FuSa until OldPrisoneR returns from his vacation, so we should look to July for the next release. Still, it's some pretty stunning news, don't you think?