Monday, June 23, 2008

PlayStation Blog: PSP theme-maker tutorial

PlayStation Blog: PSP theme-maker tutorial - Image 1For many a PSP owner, nothing gives a more personal touch to your unit than having your very own Custom Theme. While Sony did open up this possibility with the release of their own official Theme Maker, admittedly, learning the ropes for this tool can be a daunting task for the newer handheld owners out there.

That said, we're reporting of a new post over at the PlayStation Blog, created by Noel Silvia of the PSN Store Design Team. The post will offer owners a step-by-step guide to creating your very own custom Themes, via the official PSP Theme Toolbox.

Those interested in reading the tutorial will need to have the following items handy before they get started:

  • a computer that runs Windows
  • a digital image editing program
  • the PSP Theme Toolbox
  • a little bit of time
If you're got the following readied, you can visit Noel's PSP Theme guide via the source link below. Keep on the lookout - Noel notes that he's planning to run a similar tutorial for creating themes for the PlayStation 3.