Sunday, June 22, 2008

Project4 PSP Shell leaving beta, official release on Monday

PSP XMB Shell: Project4 PSP homebrew - Image 1

It's been a while since we've heard from Auraomega about the PSP XMB Shell, Project4. It might seem to you that the homebrew project has grown stale in its beta phase, but actually, Auraomega's been pretty busy with it for the past month.

That's where today's good news kicks in!

Auraomega has sent us an email saying that Project4 will finally exit its beta phase and get its first official build released to the public. The best part here is that the release is scheduled for Monday. That's tomorrow!

Expect Project4 v1.6180 (the developer notes that there's some special reason for the version number) to land with a few major updates. Auraomega also says that a PSP Slim version is possible, given that there would be volunteers to try it out for the developer.

Now just so you know... Auraomega will be going MIA for a few weeks after the release of Project4 v1.6180 (says he'll be going hiking in Scotland - wow!). However, when he comes back, he'll be working on Project4 v1.61803. From then on, he promises to go at development head on - unlike last time - unabated, so check back for more and more updates (and of course, releases too!) soon.

Thanks for the email, Auraomega - stay safe on your hiking trip! And hats off as well to conb123 for the tip!